Prevention of sexual harassment and abuse of authority (2021 version)

This self-learning course is designed to raise awareness of the zero tolerance of workplace harassment, sexual harassment and abuse of authority

Last Updated : 2 November، 2024

This self-learning course is designed to raise awareness of the zero tolerance of workplace harassment, sexual harassment and abuse of authority.

The course provides guidance on the policy and procedures on harassment with a view to fostering the creation of a harmonious working environment, free from intimidation, hostility, offence and any form of discrimination or retaliation. Learn how to identify, prevent and manage problems of harassment, sexual harassment and the abuse of authority in the workplace. Develop strategic communication skills and tactics to effectively prevent, respond to and stop harassment in order to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

Learning objectives
By the end of the course you will be able to

Describe what is meant by harassment, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority, and their consequences in the workplace;
Recognise the behaviours that constitute harassment, sexual harassment, and the abuse of authority at your agency;
Identify how you can play a positive role in preventing these problems and how to take action should they occur;
Describe UN policy on the issues raised above, along with the specific policies of your agency;
This course has been declared mandatory for all staff; with the exception of Lesson 4 which is mandatory for managers and supervisors only. However, if you would like to follow it, you are welcome to do so.

It should take you about two hours to complete this self-paced course.

This course is composed of four animated modules, including different scenarios that represent real-life situations of inappropriate behaviour, so it is easier for you to identify and prevent them in the workplace.

This course is composed of four sections

Lesson 1: Concepts on Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority
Lesson 2: Sexual Harassment
Lesson 3: Taking Action
Lesson 4: The Role of Supervisors and Managers